
Back to School the J.Crew way!

 The reality of school starting in only 2 weeks is something that many college students are not ready to face. This summer went by so fast and its sad to know that its coming to an end. With all the exams we'll be studying for and the papers we'll be pulling all-nighters to write, the most important thing aside from time management is comfort. Its important to have a comfortable environment and a comfortable wardrobe. J.Crew is known for its comfort, which is why I put together a Back to School wishlist to help those of you who need assistance in finding the balance between stylish and comfortable. If you are one of those students who likes to wear pajamas to class, I'm here to tell you to STOP! you no longer have to do that. With these helpful tips you can leave your PJ's in your apartment where they belong. If you are someone who likes to make a statement and show your sense of style no matter where you go, but struggle with feeling comfortable throughout the day, I'm here to show you the way as well. Lets get started! 

Ladies First!
Displaying photo 1.JPG J.Crew has amazing jeans! My personal favorites are the Reid slim fit and the Broken-in Boyfriend Jeans. I love the boyfriend jeans the most because they are very comfortable. They give you room to breathe while still giving you that feminine feel. We all have a pair of our boyfriend's shorts or sweatpants that we like to wear on our lazy days. Now, when you're having one of those days you wont have to wish you were wearing his, you'll have your own! 

Sneakers: If you are a girl who doesn't like flats or heels, or if you are a girl wanting to get familiar with shoes that don't require caution and have laces, then New Balances are the way to go. They're classic and will never go out of style. They are the perfect go-to sneaker and with this neutral color you can wear them with almost anything. 

White Tee: Is there really much that needs to be said about a white tee? You can never have too many! 

Displaying photo 2.JPGThe Sweatsuit: Can you really go wrong with a sweatsuit? And can you really go wrong with a sweatsuit that has a print like that? Its the perfect combination of stylish and comfortable. Also gray is an easy color to style, so you can wear the pants and the sweater as separates if you don't want to wear them together. Such an easy everyday look.
Style Tip: Wearing heels with sweats isn't unheard of. If you want to take your comfy look up a notch you can pair this sweatsuit with a pair of basic black pointy toe pumps and be just as comfortable.

Sweaters: I love finding a good sweater, mainly because I'm always cold but I don't want to always look like I'm preparing for a blizzard. So when I come across a decent sweater that I know will keep me warm and compliment my look I make sure I snag it! The white cropped sweatshirt and  the rib-stitch cardigan are both easy items you can just throw on and go. 

Displaying photo 4.JPGThe Tote: The Downing Tote is one of J.Crew's most popular items. If you are a girl who has a lot of...stuff, this bag is perfect for you. Our bookbags are often full, leaving us no room for our girly essentials. The Downing Tote is great for holding all the other things we "need". 

The Flannel: Nothing says comfort like a good flannel shirt. You can pair it with a pair of jeans or even a pair of sweatpants and be on your way.

The Choker: Not really essential or a "back to school" must-have, I just think its really pretty and I will be adding it to my wardrobe lol 

The Pumps: As I mentioned before if you want to spice up your look with your sweatpants you can pair them with some pumps. Since these are flashy enough with the print, I would pair these with a pair of basic sweats (see photo below).

Displaying photo.JPGThe Sweatpants: I guess its safe to say I'm a fan of sweatpants. Theses sweatpants in particular have a more professional look and feel to them. They have a more wool feel to them, and can be paired with a basic white button up for a more sophisticated look. 

The Shorts: The wool bermuda shorts are good for those of us who aren't ready to let go of summer 14'. These shorts are super comfy and easy for on the go.

The White Tee: Again, You can NEVER have too many.

Displaying photo 3.JPGThe Baseball Caps: Those days are going to come more often than we like. You know what I'm talking about. Those days where our hair just decides it wants to do its own thing and be a mess. With these stylish baseball caps we can win the fight with our hair without being late for class. 

The Downing Tote: In other colors.

Ladies you can click the link below for prices and details on the items above. 

Men are sort of like experts when it comes to comfort so there isn't much that I can tell you guys that you don't already know. But, here are a few comfy yet stylish items that should already be added and/or updated in your wardrobe.
Displaying photo 1.JPGChinos: J.Crew has great chinos in almost every color and size you can think of. These pants are great for everyday paired with a button-up and a blazer or a basic tee and a denim jacket. You really cant go wrong. 

The Backpack: Really not much to say except, you need this. This backpack is a great color and is made out of durable material which means it will last you all semester and even the semester after that. 

Sneakers: These Nikes are the ultimate go-to shoes for those busy days. Throw them on and be on your way. Just like the New Balances for the ladies, the neutral colors make them easy to pair with almost anything. 

The Sweatshorts: Now, I will be honest and say that I am not a fan of sweatshorts. I think they are to be worn around the house and when you're running errands that don't really require you to get out of car much. But hey, what do I know right? If you are one of those guys who feel like sweatshorts are a must-have, I suggest you check out J.Crew's selection. 

Displaying photo 2.JPGThe Sperry and The Vans: These are some other great go-to shoes. They require very little thought because they go with everything. 

The Sweatshirt: Sweatshirts are great because they're versatile. You can wear a sweatshirt with a pair of jeans, a pair of chinos, or even a pair of sweatshorts (eww) lol. But really, sweatshirts are really handy and J.Crew has a great selection.

The Chino: In another color

Displaying photo 3.JPGThe Wool Pant: Much like the ones that I picked for the ladies, these wool pants are great. They have the same comfort level and look as sweat pants but they have a different edge to them. They can also be paired with a button-up or a basic tee. 

The Broken-In Long Sleeve Tee: Its no secret that all guys have that one favorite shirt. That one shirt that they refuse to get rid of. That one shirt that almost acts as a security blanket. This is because that shirt has been broken-in and gives you that feeling of comfort that no other shirt can compete with. Well, I'm here to present the competition to you. The broken-in tee is on of J.Crew's most popular items. Men love the familiar feel and they love that they don't have to worry about it shrinking. It will always feel as good as old (in a good way).

The Chambray shirt and the cotton shirt: Chambray shirts are still a thing and I think every guy should own one. Plain and simple. Cotton button-up shirts are also a must-have that every guy should own.

Displaying photo 4.JPG
The Short Sleeve Broken-In Tee: Same as the long sleeve broken-in tee.

The Irish Linen Shirt: Again, another item that you can never have too many of. This white linen shirt goes well with everything and works well with whatever level of comfort you are trying to achieve.

The Slim Merino Elbow-Patch Sweater: This is really just a very nice sweater that all men look handsome in. You'll feel good and you'll look even better. 

The Wallace & Barnes M-65 Jacket: This is the most famous field jacket in military history. The fit and feel of this jacket will surely take your desired level of comfort up a notch. 

Guys, you can click the link below for prices and details on the items shown

FYI: I currently work at the J.Crew in Marlton NJ, so if any of you are in the New Jersey or Philadelphia area and want to shop at J.Crew but need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me via email thevictoriaryanimage@gmail.com , I will gladly help you shop and find what you need!