
A few winter favorites

Everyday I find myself falling more and more in love with solids. I've never been big on patterns to begin with, but I find myself picking up more simple/timeless pieces than before. Below are just a few of my favorite simple items that I've been rockin this winter. 

This sweater looks really odd laying flat and pictures do it NO justice at all. It has a really cool shape to it and its one of those things that really look good on everyone! Not to mention its extremely warm!

So, I think I'm getting back to my sneaker-head ways. Now, I wont be standing in line for the new Jordans any time soon, however I am finding myself reaching for my Adidas more than my Alaias... Okay maybe not the Alaias but you get what I'm saying. 

 THE jacket. The one that gets a lot of strange looks because it sort of resembles a bathrobe, but also gets a lot of love simply because its such a pretty coat. My SJP coat, as I like to call it, has to be my ultimate fave thing right now. I got it for only $30 at Urban Outfitters. Such a steal considering its original price was $70.

The classic black hat. Need I say more? Didn't think so.